Monday, July 27, 2009

Sawyer is SEVEN months old!

Here's the latest in Sawyer-land: Our boy is happy as ever except when the pain from teething gets to him. He sleeps from 9pm until 6am when he eats, and then it's back to bed until somewhere between 8 and 9. At his last appointment he weighed in at 16lbs 6oz and was 26.5inches tall. He will eat just about anything...prunes, peaches, pieces of chicken nuggets, crackers, yogurt and of course the goodies Daddy feeds him: pizza, ice name it! He LOVES his jumper. He's a wild man in it. He has more distinct babbles now- he says Dadadadadadada, apparently said Mama to my parents, but of course I didn't hear it, and Jordan and I both heard him say something that sounded suspiciously like "Hi Dada" just yesterday. His sitting skills are pretty much perfected and he's moved on to pulling himself up onto furniture, scooting around a bit and getting up on his hands and knees in crawling position where he rocks back and forth. Sawyer LOVES his brother. He is constantly laughing little belly laughs at Hudson's antics. I think (and hope) they will soon be the best of friends. And now, for the monthly picture:

More CT pics

There are a lot of pictures here...and I couldn't decide which to post, so I just posted them all...

Our little fisherman..

Hanging out with Pop

Warming up in the little pool

...and drinking hot cocoa to warm up. The pool was COLD!

Loving up to Daddy

Brotherly love

Our favorite thumb sucker with Uncle John

This is Sawyer's new favorite face- the scrunchy nose

The cutest picture ever

Sawyer loved this little boat- he was like a little duck kicking his legs under the water

The boys with Pop and Gigi

A rare family photo

Hudson wanted to feed Bruz (what Hudson calls Sawyer). Notice Hudson opening his mouth as if to show Sawyer what to do.

Gigi and Sawyer color coordinating

He tries...I'll give him that...

Hudson tries to find a career

What will Hudson be when he grows up? He tried out quite a few different fields when we were in Connecticut visiting my family. So...what will it be?




Check out that catch!
5 crawfish, 3 minnows



Long Jumper into a pool naked? Wait...maybe that's not a career choice...but it sure was cute.

July 4th

At the beginning of July we had a rare Tim Branem sighting while he was in town for a brief week. We then headed down to Suffolk, VA for the annual parade. Hudson collected Halloween-worthy amounts of candy and saw lots of fire trucks...Sawyer passed out. A good time was had by all.

June '09

Try to tell me the picture of Sawyer kneeling and playing in the sand table isn't absolutely adorable! Try.