Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Watch out world...

Our little Sawyer (who is not quite 10 months old) has proven he is ready to hang out with the big boys now. Watch below for his latest milestone. (expert child proofers are welcome to come visit anytime!)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Our last catch up...

Sawyer and Cousin Maddie...4 months apart but nearly the same size
Well, almost the same size. Did we mention that Sawyer has monsterous feet?

With Ama. (Hudson is intrigued by robots right now- check out his new robot shirt!)

Trying to break into the cheerios



Just some random shots. Check out Sawyer wearing the cowboy boots Jordan had as a little boy... Yee-haw!

He REALLY wanted to try on his Halloween outfit from last year. You can see how well it fits him now...

part three...

At swim lessons...chicken fight?
Our little fishy

Our big fishy

Playing down at the bay on base

Laying out on a sunny day (aka, me *trying* to take 9 month pics of S)

catching up part two

Is it any surprise that he liked playing with our steamed crabs?

Come on...that's cute

Hudson at the Torpedo Factory

The Branem boys 3 in Old Towne Alexandria

You'd think Hudson would have a huge smile plastered on...

Catching up...as always

Family Picture...perfect because Hudson is looking away and being ridiculous and Sawyer is sucking his thumb.

Free National Park Day...anyone know where we are?

A rare moment when both boys were still...and smiling at the camera

Hudson stuffing his face with watermelon

Sawyer stuffing his face with fresh figs

Hudson's own personal heaven...

Sawyer is 9 months old!

This month I told Jordan he had the honor of trying to snap a 9 month picture of Sawyer. Despite Sawyer flipping and crawling and pulling up onto everything, Jordan somehow managed to get him on his back to continue the progression of monthly pictures.

We just had Sawyer's 9 month appt. on Oct. 29th so I have some official stats for the first time in a while. Sawyer is 18lbs 5oz and is 28 inches long. Although it seems like he's been the same weight forever he has actually gained about 2 lbs in the last two months. His two front teeth on the top just popped through and it looks like a third top one is trying to see the light as well.

His new favorite foods are grilled cheese and Dunkin Donuts hashbrowns, although he has also eaten white beans (which he likes!?!), salmon, strawberries (shhh don't tell), and a whole bunch of other random stuff.

Sawyer babbles a lot like he's having a conversation, but mostly sticks to the basics: dadadada, mamamam, babababa. The pediatrician he saw loved him and said he was very social and in perfect health- who could ask for anything more.

We just moved Sawyer into Hudson's old crib and he is sleeping in the same room as Hudson now. The last two nights have gone well so maybe we have a room to ourselves and a guest room too- Keep your fingers crossed!

Sawyer's latest and greatest favorites: drinking out of a straw, being tickled, eating sand (yeah, good fun), taking a few steps between Jordan and I or thinking he can really walk and just letting go of the couch to try to walk to something, ripping magazines, flirting with women at the Commissary, pulling books out of our bookshelf... yeah, he's a mischievous one just like his brother!