Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Fun Day

We went to the Children's Museum in Portsmouth today and took almost no pictures which is sad because we had a blast!  Our favorite things were probably the soda bottles we filled with gas and then blasted up into the air and the giant thing that shapes to your body when you push on it...oh, never mind...I don't think I can use words to describe what it is.  I'm going to find a picture.  Okay, I can't find a picture because I don't know what words to use in my search (I tried many things.)  Let's just say is an enormous version of Hillary's clock.  Now you understand right?

 Veterinarian Sawyer checking out a sick dog

 Hudson fishing with Jordan off the boat in the museum

The storm clouds loomed earlier today warning us of what was to come this evening.  We finally put our crab pots back in the water to see what the late season would bring in.  We caught 4 blue crabs in the few hours they were out, but 3 were females so they were thrown back to make some more babies.  The boys love helping to pull the crab pots up, but especially love pulling up their special minnow trap which has been inhabited by a greedy eel who, for the last week, has been breaking in and feasting on our minnows.  I don't have a picture of the eel.  Yuck.  I do have other Friday pictures:

 Pulling up crab pot #3

 Ever wonder how we get both boys smiling and looking at the camera together?  
Make them say "Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."  
That's what works for us.

Mean clouds

Happy October.  Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Simply the Best

I am, quite possibly, the world's best blogger.  As you can see I post daily about all kinds of things like what we did in Feb, March, April, May, June, July, Aug, and even this month.  I post lots of pictures and have told you all about our move, our 2+ months in CT, and our fabulous new house.  If Hudson could type he would tell you about its two fireplaces.  That's his favorite feature.

So...I guess we start here.  Sept. 25th, 2011.  We just got internet after being without for over 2 months.  We suddenly are a whole lot less productive.  Surprise surprise.  We (prior to internet) have been very busy working both inside and outside of our house trying to make things fit our tastes a bit more.  We are fresh off a very busy crab season where we were pulling in some dozen crabs a day from our crab pots.  I went from being a crab picking rookie to being ready to work in a factory picking those suckers.  In actuality I am not all that fast at picking and I don't have the patience for the legs or claws.

We have been having a blast visiting with family and friends and feel so lucky to be able to see everyone here as frequently as we do.  Now if only I could talk my family into moving down...  I have a feeling once they come to visit they won't want to leave, so I've got that going for me.

Hudson started Pre-K and he absolutely loves it which is a giant sigh of relief for me.  He was that kid that cried every time I left him at preschool last year so I was a little worried about him going 4 days...I feared that my head would be covered in grey hairs within weeks if we had the same struggle this year.  Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully he LOVES his school.  His teacher gets rave reviews, he comes home with cool projects, he brought Ama (one of his grandmothers) in for show & tell, and, for me?  I get to drop him off and pick him up in the morning  It's lovely.  Quick.  Stress free.  And dry (for me) in rain.  Also, although I haven't tried it yet, I'm pretty sure there is no need to change out of my jammies for drop off.

                                                  First day of school (Outfit chosen by H)

Sawyer and I have been busy exploring on the days Hudson is in school.  We've become experts at the area grocery stores, Chick-fila, hardware stores, parks, the library and various other places.  Soon we are going to have a couple of days of at-home preschool for both Sawyer and his cousin which will be good for unorganized little me.  Heck, I might even learn a thing or two.

I'll leave you with these two final images...

                                                                  Our pier at dusk

                                                                Our first homecoming