Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some new pics

Jordan's favorite picture of Sawyer

Grandma gets some lovin' in

Hudson is curious about this little one...

Hudson lounging in Sawyer's bouncy seat

Grandpa takes his turn with the little man

Our family of four

Sawyer warming up next to our faux fireplace

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hudson and Sawyer finally meet...

The boys finally got to meet!!! Hudson was so curious about the little bundled guy who Mommy and Daddy were both holding. He kissed Sawyer, tried to feed him cookies and wanted to hold him. So far he's a perfect older brother (except for trying to poke Sawyer in the eye...)

How priceless is that face?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome to the World Sawyer Keegan

After scheduling our repeat C-Section for December 26th, our little one decided to make an early entrance.

Sawyer Keegan arrived on December 17th at 7:10 am.
He was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.
The story...
I woke up on Tuesday the 16th with Hudson throwing up, and then I felt "off" all day. I had nausea and diarrhea, and my stomach felt really weird. I called my doctor because I really didn't know if I was having gas pains or contractions or what. He asked me to go to the hospital to get hooked up just in case, telling me I'd probably go home because I had a virus. Jordan came home from work and our friend Jenn (thank you thank you!!!) came and hung out with a sick Hudson while I went to get checked out. They hooked me up to the monitors and saw that I was having irregular contractions every 2-8 minutes and found that I was a little dehydrated. They dropped some fluids in an IV thinking that getting me hydrated would get rid of the contractions, but they kept coming, just a little farther apart and stronger. They called my doctor and he decided to schedule me for a C-Section the following morning bright and early. I instantly became an emotional mess...I was SO not expecting them to tell me I'd be staying. After all, I had so much to do at home!!! : ) I stayed the night in Labor and Delivery, continuing to have contractions throughout the night.

My parents came down from CT to watch Hudson for us and my mom is still here through the holidays. What a huge relief to have them here to help us out. Thank you!!!

Wednesday morning came quick, despite a mediocre night of sleep. I went in for my C-Section at around 6:30am and got prepped on the table with my spinal and whatever else they do.Morning came and I went in for my c-section. My doctor (Dr. Michael Campanella) and his staff were all great. I was pretty nervous and shaky from the Spinal, and I swear I almost threw up, but thanks to the anesthesiologist I didn't...he knew all the right drugs to drop into my IV! They told me what was going on every step of the way and gave Jordan enough notice to stand up and watch as they pulled Sawyer out of me. Shockingly, he didn't pass out. : ) Sawyer let out a good cry after he came out so we knew he was doing OK. After getting cleaned up and into the nursery they thought his breathing seemed a little raspy so they sent him up to the NICU to get checked out and he stayed there until we left the hospital. The doctor thinks he may have been exposed to whatever virus Hudson has, so they had him on some antibiotics and were just keeping a close eye on him. It was really hard for me to be down in maternity with him up in the NICU, only able to visit him from Noon-6:30p and 7:30p-8:30p. The first night I slept horribly because I had a roommate and she was feeding her baby every 3 hours or so...which means the baby would be brought in, the light would go on, the baby would cry, etc etc. It's really hard having to wake up to someone elses baby when yours is in another part of the hospital... That next morning my nurse came in and talked to me for a bit and then the Nurse Manager came in and told me she was going to move me to a nicer room. I ended up getting a private room for the rest of my stay and I didn't have to pay the $200/night to get it. What a great Christmas present! The rest of my stay was much more comfortable. Unfortunately for me Jordan ended up with Hudson's virus and wasn't able to come to the hospital one day for fear of getting me sick.

Anyway, long story short, we both were able to get discharged yesterday afternoon and are both home and doing well. My recovery has been far easier this time around...I really feel pretty good. The hardest part now is that we have to keep our boys separate so that Sawyer doesn't get Hudson's diarrhea/puking virus. They haven't even met yet. : (

Oh...and I bet you'd like to see some pictures. Here are a few. We'll be taking more as the days go by and hopefully we'll get some good ones when Hudson and Sawyer get to meet for the first time.
Jordan dressed to head into the O.R.
Our little man

Sleeping soundly

Admiring my boy in the NICU

Happy Holidays to all. We already received the best Christmas present we could ask for. : )