Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sawyer: 2 months old

I guess Sawyer doesn't look too much different yet. Here are his 1 month and 2 month pictures. He isn't completely swimming in that sleeper anymore...

1 month- 1/17 2 months- 2/17

Random February pics

Branem Visit

Jordan's parents just came up for a visit. Here are some pictures from their visit:

Hudson had a blast at the park

The Branems and the boys...Hudson isn't a real big fan of the camera unless he's busy doing something besides posing...

Staring contest:

Hudson, the sous chef, doing some of his finest work.


I haven't posted pictures in over a month now...let's catch up. All of these pictures are from the beginning of February when we went to visit my parents:

Jordan (surprise!) went fishing on the Farmington River. Here is one of his shots of himself with his favorite river.
We saw Cheryl and the girls. Hudson loves his new book and had a blast playing with the girls.

Here is Jordan's "birthday cake." He wanted a Boston Cream Pie. I swear it looked great for the 5 minutes it was put together...but then it collapsed and I turned it into a Boston Cream Bowl Cake. It was delicious!

Sawyer had his first sink bath in my parents big kitchen sink. He's growing so fast that we are going to have to put him in a real tub before too long. His next check up is in March...but he probably weighs in close to 12 pounds now.

We usually go visit the Ruwets when we are in town. This time we went sledding, saw the llama's and goats (there were a bunch of baby goats!) and Hudson got to pick some fresh eggs from the chicken barn. Hudson is in the throwing stage right now, but somehow I was able to keep him from egging any of us.

Hudson went outside to help Jordan and "Pop" shovel the driveway. He has now officially named his grandparents. My parents are "Pop" and "Gigi." We have no idea how he came up with Gigi, but it's sticking. Jordan's parents are "Omma" and "Papa."